Admitted patients with COVID-19: 3
*Current as of March 25, 2025. Updated by noon, Monday - Friday*
Entrances to hospital
- Emergency Department entrance – 24 hours/day
- Main entrance – 6:30 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
- Dialysis entrance – For Dialysis patients ONLY – 6:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Visiting Restrictions and Protocols – October 15, 2024
Subject to change without notice. Some exceptions apply.
RMH strongly encourages eligible community members to be vaccinated against COVID-19 to help ensure the safest possible environment for everyone.
Visitors must pass COVID-19 and Influenza symptom screening upon entry (see below), sanitize their hands, and take a medical-grade mask provided by the hospital. If a medical condition prevents someone from wearing a mask, please arrange an alternative with our care team.
Masking is MANDATORY prior to entering patient care units.
Masking is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED in ambulatory waiting rooms including the Emergency Department, Dialysis, Ambulatory Care Clinic, Diagnostic Imaging, and Labour and Delivery.
Visitors are not to eat or drink while inside RMH, unless in the Reflections Café or hospital cafeteria.
RMH will remain mask friendly in all areas.
Visiting Hours
Inpatient units: Seven days a week, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Visitor Information/Screening Information
Visitors must enter through the main entrance. Visitors will be denied entry if:
- Exhibiting the following signs or symptoms: Fever, cough, difficulty breathing, difficulty swallowing, sore throat, runny nose, loss of taste or smell, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.
- Is a known or suspected COVID-19 positive and has not been cleared by Public Health.
COVID-19 positive/suspected patients will be permitted Two Designated Visitors or Essential Care Givers, but they may only see the patient then leave hospital right away. Please discuss visiting a COVID-19 positive.suspected patient with their health care team.
All contractors and outside vendors must adhere to Ross Memorial Hospital’s COVID-19 Vaccination Policy. This includes submitting a COVID-19 Attestation Form and following the hospital's guidelines.
We continue to offer Virtual Visits (video calls) to support patients and loved ones staying connected. Learn more.
- High Risk exposure and confirmed COVID-19 positive individuals are not allowed to visit patients due to the increased risk to other visitors, patients and staff.
- Anyone who refuses to properly wear a medical-grade mask will not be permitted entry to the hospital and/or will be asked to leave the hospital premises. If a medical condition prevents someone from wearing a mask, please arrange an alternative with our care team.
- A maximum of four (4) designated visitors are allowed to visit a patient and only one (1) at a time for inpatients. Patients will be limited to seeing two visitors each day.
- There is no eating or drinking in patient rooms, waiting areas and hallways.
Visitors will be permitted based on patient needs and unit activity.
- Patients who are near end-of-life (within weeks).
- Patients who are under 18 years of age (supported by parents or legal guardians).
- Patients requiring a support person when:
- receiving a life-altering diagnosis,
- experiencing a mental health crisis, or
- they are developmentally or intellectually challenged. For example, due to dementia, significant developmental or intellectually challenges, they have an inability to effectively communicate or mobility issues that cannot be supported by our health-care team, etc.
Surgical Outpatient and Procedural Patients who require sedation
- One essential family member. Caregiver for drop off and pick up. This individual will be permitted to return for same-day patients to ensure discharge instructions are communicated, and to provide an opportunity to ask questions.
Care Packages for Patients
It's hard being away from your loved one in hospital. You can send them a care package to let them know you're thinking of them. Please label your package (patient's name and room #) and drop it off at the main entrance from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Please limit your care package to essential items only:
- One grocery-sized bag or small box per patient
- Personal aids - walkers, canes, glasses, hearing aids, dentures, prosthetics - items must arrive cleaned
- Communication aids - phone, charger, tablet. Item must arrive cleaned.
- Toiletries and grooming items - toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, deodorant, feminine hygiene products, razor, brush. Items must be new.
- Clothing - items must be laundered.
- Food: Must be packaged in a sealable, wipeable container, not require refrigeration or heating, and be easily discarded.
- Government of Ontario COVID-19 Website
- COVID-19 Self Assessment
- HKPRD Health Unit (including local cases)
- Public Health Agency of Canada
- World Health Organization