Hospice Services
The Community Care Health & Care Network's Hospice Services is a community-based service dedicated to supporting people diagnosed with a life-threatening or terminal illness and their families. The mission of Hospice is to help these people live at home or in a home-like setting as comfortably and fully as possible.
Hospice provides a range of services focused on quality of life until the end of life as well as bereavement support for loved ones. Services can include respite care and caregiver relief, complementary therapies, liaison with other community supports, transportation and friendly visiting by trained volunteers.
Since 1988, Hospice Services has been providing a combination of active and compassionate therapies intended to comfort and support individuals who are living with, or dying from, a progressive life-threatening illness, as well as support for families and the bereaved. There is no fee for the services.
The heart of Hospice Services is a group of volunteers, men and women of all ages and backgrounds displaying sensitivity, excellent listening skills, and a willingness to serve. Attendance at an extensive training program is compulsory prior to becoming a volunteer.
Hospice palliative care:
- Centres on the person and the family
- Is directed towards meeting physical, psychological, social, and spiritual needs
- Is sensitive to personal, cultural and religious beliefs, values and practices
- Encourages involvement in planning treatment and care as well as making choices based on knowledge and understanding
- Is provided through the collaborative work of an interdisciplinary team of caregivers and service providers
Services include:
- Listening, emotional support, companionship
- Simple comfort measures
- Assistance with appointments, errands or shopping
- Opportunities for caregivers to feel comfortable to take time away or to rest
- Bereavement support for anyone who has experienced the death of someone else close
We are there when you or someone you know has a life-threatening illness and:
- You need help
- You need time out
- You are beginning to feel drained
- Your grief is too much to bear
- You need hope
- You need a friend
The Hospice Services office is located at 2 Kent Street West, Lindsay.
More information is available on the Hospice pages of the Community Care website: www.ccckl.ca/services/hospice
You may also contact:
Ryan Alexander, Manager of Hospice Services
Phone: 705-324-7323 ext 501
Fax: 705-808-0531
Email: ralexander@ccckl.ca
By Mail:
Hospice Services, Community Care Health & Care Network
#3 - 2 Kent Street West
Lindsay, ON K9V 2Y1
For more information we provide a Frequently Asked Questions article for your convenience.