Sleep Lab
People who suffer from a sleep disorder know only too well how it impacts their lives.
One in five of us has trouble sleeping; left untreated, sleep disorders can result in high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, heart attack, impotence, depression and an irregular heart beat. Daytime sleepiness can also increase the risk of motor vehicle accidents, work accidents, job performance and quality of life.
As a part of its mission to respond to the health needs of the community and improve the health of our population, Ross Memorial has partnered with the Hospital Alliance Group to offer sleep lab services to people in the City of Kawartha Lakesand Haliburton County.
Using space in the Continuing Care Unit that is not utilized during the evening, the Hospital Alliance Group conducts overnight sleep studies on three patients, three nights per week. The space is quiet and wheelchair accessible, and there is trained medical staff on the unit around the clock.
The studies will help to diagnose a wide range of sleep disorders, from insomnia and sleep apnea to snoring, narcolepsy and night movement disorders. Addressing sleep disorders is an important part of chronic disease management. Many people with diabetes have difficulty sleeping, which affects their blood sugar and metabolism.
The Hospital Alliance Group also offers patient consultations with a sleep specialist twice per month. Patients must be referred by their physicians.
The team at the Ross Memorial is pleased to help improve local access to this important service. Currently, local patients must wait up to three months to have an overnight sleep study conducted in other communities.
Sleep Lab Contact Information
Phone: 705-878-4200 Fax: 705-878-4250