Surveillance Program for Antibiotic Resistant Organisms
Ross Memorial Hospital has a special monitoring program to look for antibiotic resistant organisms. While you are here, you may be asked to give us some specimens to be sent to the Laboratory for testing.
What are antibiotic-resistant organisms (AROs)?
An antibiotic-resistant organism is a bacteria or germ that is not killed by the usual medicines (antibiotics).
Are antibiotic-resistant organisms harmful?
No, they are not harmful to healthy people, but can cause problems for those who are seriously ill or immunocompromised. The two most common AROs are Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) and Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus (VRE). For more information, click on: MRSA Fact Sheet or VRE Fact Sheet.
Who might have these antibiotic-resistant organisms?
People who have been in hospital or some people who have been ill in a nursing home.
What is Ross Memorial Hospital doing?
We are looking for these organisms on a regular basis. We ask all admitted patients to complete an ARO questionnaire and as necessary, have a swab taken from the nostrils and rectum for testing. We ask for your co-operation in providing these cultures.
What happens next?
We hope not to find anyone who has these organisms. However, if the organism is found, it will mean some changes in your care.
Certain isolation precautions will be followed by everyone to prevent the organism from being passed to other patients. This may mean moving you to a new room, with additional precautions being carried out.