The Rehabilitation program at Ross Memorial primarily assists patients who have suffered a stroke or trauma, or are recovering from surgery. The main objective of the rehabilitation program is to improve the patients' mobility and independence in daily living such as bathing, dressing and eating, so that patients can return to their homes and be as independent as possible.
Upon admission to the Rehabilitation Program, patients meet with a care team to discuss and determine personalized goals and care plans. This intensive program consists of at least two therapy sessions per day, as well as other treatments. The demands of these activities encourage patients to adopt and practice new ways of doing things while staying motivated and focused on their goals. The time a patient is in the rehabilitation program will vary depending on the needs and goals of the patient. Target discharge dates are set based on the Stroke QBP calculator or for others, using the 25th percentile LOS for peer hospitals by RPG. This target date is then used in discussion with the patient and family when setting an estimated date of discharge.
The program is progressive, dynamic, and goal-oriented to enable patients to identify and reach their own optimal levels whether it is physical or cognitive. The rehabilitation program also provides opportunities for patients and family members to work together towards discharge to the lowest level of care possible. Following the program, most patients return home, while some enter a residential setting that better meets their needs.
Housed on the Rehabilitation unit is the Integrated Stroke Unit (ISU). The ISU admits acute patients who have had a stroke, directly to the Rehabilitation Unit. The staff have received special training in stroke care and follow Stroke Care Paths based on a Stroke Order Set. Rehabilitation begins from Day 1 during the acute phase. On Day 5 of the stroke care path, many patient are discharged home with supports in the community. Those who meet the criteria stay in the same bed and “flip” to Rehabilitation while maintaining the same interdisciplinary team.
The second floor of the Continuing Complex Care wing (CCP2) is the home of the Functional Enhancement program (FE).
The 12 FE beds are a slow stream rehabilitation program for those patients who are unable to tolerate the intensity of the inpatient rehab program. The goal for these patients is to return to their own home.