RMH recognizes champions with awards for service and excellence

November 23, 2017 - The Long Service and Excellence Award Ceremony is held at RMH each year to shine a light on Hospital champions. Among the 125 employees celebrated for their long service at a the November 23rd event was Emergency Department nurse, Wendy Kane, who has been caring for RMH patients for 40 years.
Val Harris, Chair of the RMH Board of Governors, thanked all award winners on behalf of the community. “It is you who provides the exceptional care that matters to our patients. It is you who maintains this massive facility and who keeps it running efficiently day and night. It is you who coordinates with community and regional partners to ensure our patients’ care continues after they leave the hospital. You are the heart of the Ross Memorial Hospital.”
Following the Long Service Awards, the Awards of Excellence were presented:
Champions of Change Janeel Quibell (IT Application Specialist)
Howard Tremaine (Patient & Family Experience Partner)
Dr. Gabriel Chan (Internist)
Respectful Communicator Syed Yakub Wajid (Physiotherapy)
Team Players Rosemarie Brown RN (Mental Health Program)
Denyse Williamson (Ward Clerk, Continuing Care Program)
Det. Cst. Ryan Boutin (Community Response Unit)
Dedicated to Excellence Karen Callaghan RN (Assess & Restore Mobile Team)
Kim Cearns RN (Mental Health Program)
“Congratulations to everyone who received a long service award today and thank you for the commitment you’ve made to the Ross,” said Dr. Bert Lauwers, RMH President and CEO. “I’m very proud of the Ross Team and happy to help recognize excellence in our Hospital. I encourage everyone to continue showing appreciation for your teammates — every chance you get.”