RMH COVID-19 Assessment Centre Shifts to Appointment-Only

The RMH COVID-19 Assessment Centre model continues to evolve to meet the needs of our community, and is introducing a ‘by appointment only’ model as of Monday, October 5, 2020. “Setting appointments will support us in better managing traffic flow as well as prioritizing those who require testing according to the latest Ministry testing guidelines,” says Kelly Isfan, President and CEO, Ross Memorial Hospital.
How to access COVID-19 testing at RMH
- The Assessment Centre is by appointment only as of Monday, October 5 and will remain a drive-thru until further notice
- Starting October 1, you can request an appointment by calling 705-328-6217 (phone lines are monitored between the hours of 8am and 4pm, Monday to Friday).
- You can also request an appointment online (please call if booking appointments for multiple people/members of your family)
- Appointments will be available Monday to Friday, 9:30am-5:15pm
To learn if and where you should seek COVID-19 testing, please visit the provincial COVID-19 website.
The RMH COVID-19 Assessment Centre can provide testing for:
- Anyone age 1 and over who is showing COVID-19 symptoms. You may be asked to visit the Emergency Department if your symptoms, or your child’s symptoms are severe.
- Individuals who have been notified by Public Health or the COVID Alert app about a potential exposure to a confirmed case of the virus
- Individuals who live or work in an at-risk setting, including long-term care, shelters or other congregate setting
- You will be visiting a long term care home
- You are eligible for testing as part of a targeted testing initiative as determined by the Ministry of Health or Ministry of Long Term Care.
- Those who require COVID-19 testing prior to medical procedure
If symptoms are severe, including difficulty breathing, chest pain, confusion or loss of consciousness, you should call 911 or proceed to the Emergency Department. To stay up-to-date on the latest COVID-19 information at Ross Memorial Hospital, please visit www.rmh.org/covid-19