New RMH Parking System offers more choice for Patients & Visitors

In order to comply with new provincial parking directives impacting hospitals, Ross Memorial is implementing a new parking system this spring. The new system will provide patients and visitors with more options, including in/out privileges and more multi-day passes.
How will patients and visitors use the system?
Patients and visitors entering the lot will receive a ticket at the parking gate. They will have two options to pay for their parking:
- Before leaving the Hospital, they may pay for their parking at a kiosk in the main lobby or in the Emergency Department using debit, credit or cash, or
- They may pay at the exit gate using a credit card only.
The rates are as follows:
- Single entry/exit $2 per half hour with $8 maximum for 24 hour period (payable at exit gate or kiosk)
- $12.50 for 1 day pass with in/out privileges
- $25 for 5 day pass
- $50 for 10 day pass
- $75 for 30 day pass
The parking passes are for use in the long-term parking lot only. The 5, 10 and 30 day passes include in/out privileges and can be used on non-consecutive days. Passes are only available at the RMH Cashier's Office in the main lobby during regular business hours: Monday to Friday (8:00am-4:00pm).
The rates for short-term parking will change to $3.00 per half hour (with a maximum of $15/day). The Pay & Display machines are also being replaced with new models.
Hospital staff and physicians also pay to park in the Hospital lot. All parking revenue goes into providing hospital services, and covering costs not provided by the government, including the snow clearing and maintenance of the parking lot. In 2015/16, parking revenues at RMH amounted to $753,446.00.
If members of the public wish to share feedback on our parking rates and policy, they may email or call 705-328-6246.