Health Sciences Program Concludes First Semester with LCVI Students

January 25, 2023
(Lindsay, ON) – The first semester of Ross Memorial Hospital’s Health Sciences Program, in partnership with Lindsay Collegiate and Vocational Institute, concluded last week.
Eighteen LCVI students took part in the inaugural Health Sciences Program at the hospital as part of the Trillium Lakelands District School Board’s Specialist High Skills Major Program.
The goal of the program is to introduce interested students to the many jobs within a hospital and show them that there is more opportunity than just being doctors and nurses. It takes a multidisciplinary team of specialists including therapists, skilled trade workers, pharmacists, cooks, housekeepers, administrators, support workers, information technologists, accountants and, of course, doctors and nurses.
Fourteen Ross Memorial employees from departments throughout the hospital provided students with a case study. They presented a scenario the students might encounter within the hospital, including a list of questions about the case. In groups, the students would research the profession, answer the questions within the case study, and present it back to the Ross Memorial staff member for review and feedback.
The resulting presentations were informed, detailed, and creative. Ross Memorial employees and the students went above and beyond to make their presentations entertaining, including mock episodes of Family Feud, Jeopardy, and a dramatic performance of ‘A Christmas Carol’ with a healthcare twist.
Students also went on an educational trip to the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Dentistry, where they received a tour and case study from the Vice Dean of Education.
Complimentary to the Health Sciences Program, Ross Memorial provided a Co-operative Education placement to four LCVI students who were able to rotate through and observe departments throughout the hospital, in addition to learning basic training in skills like feeding patients and wheelchair safety.
Ross Memorial and LCVI are continuing to work together with the intention of launching another semester of the Health Sciences Program in fall 2023.
“I loved every second of it. It was different than any course I’ve ever taken - it was completely unique. I came in every day expecting something different and I couldn’t ask for more. It opened my mind up to new experiences. Out of everything I’ve done in high school, I loved this so much.”
- Carter Rushlow, Grade 12 student, Lindsay Collegiate and Vocational Institute
“If you have even the slightest interest in healthcare, take this course. It opens your eyes to so many different opportunities that you can take. As we learned, there’s not just medical stuff in the hospital – there’s construction workers, plumbers, and people who control the humidity. So even if you’re not necessarily interested in healthcare, but you still like the idea of working in a hospital and helping people, there’s opportunities through the trades you can take.”
- Lauren Bugden, Grade 12 student, Lindsay Collegiate and Vocational Institute, nursing applicant to University of New Brunswick
“I didn’t know what to expect and this was beyond anything I could have imagined. My brain felt full every day with everything I was learning. It was absolutely incredible. It solidified that I really want to help people and come back to my community to help people.”
- Emma Lees, Grade 13 student, Lindsay Collegiate and Vocational Institute, attending Nipissing University’s Physical and Health Education Program in the fall with career goal of being physiotherapist
“It has been a genuine privilege to work with the students of the Health Sciences Program from LCVI. Their enthusiasm and dedication to learning has been amazing to watch. I have been awed by their growth as they have built upon each week’s knowledge to improve their overall understanding of healthcare. We wanted to show them everything they can be and teach them that it is okay to make course corrections along their path. It is our sincere hope that, at the end of their educational journey into healthcare, the students one day come back to us and join the Ross Memorial Hospital community.”
- Steven Lofkrantz, RMH Lead for Health Sciences Program, and Senior Lead, Quality and Patient Experience, Ross Memorial Hospital
“The staff at the hospital and the students in the program were great to work with. I’m very happy with how things went. I learned just as much, or probably more than the students. The students were dedicated to learning and willing to put in whatever it took to make some really powerful presentations back to the staff. Our hats are off to the staff at the Ross for giving us the time to do this, and they’ve given us some really good presentations themselves. It was a great experience, all around.”
- Warren Graves, teacher for Health Sciences Program, Lindsay Collegiate and Vocational Institute
For more information, contact
Ryan Young
Communications and Public Affairs Officer
Ross Memorial Hospital
M: 705-328-4548