Health Fair features Cardiac Care

The Ross Memorial Hospital’s Cardiac Rehabilitation team and the Kawartha Lakes Paramedic Service invited the public to a Health Fair with a focus on heart health.
The event took place Wednesday, February 22nd between 11am and 2pm at the Ross Memorial Hospital in the main lobby.
· CPR demonstrations and hands-on practice
· Blood pressure testing using the new BP True (it takes six readings for accuracy)
· Understanding the use of defibrillators in the community (and at home)
· Learning about the ‘Code Stemi’ program (why do paramedics bring some patients to RMH and others to the Peterborough Regional Health Centre?)
· Understand why you should always call 911 (taking the car is taking a risk)
· Get a Patient Medical Information card for your refrigerator (it could save your life)
· Enter a draw for a home CPR kit or a FitBit
· Meet your local heart-health team from the Ross Memorial, CKL Paramedics and the Heart & Stroke Foundation