COVID-19 vaccination clinic reaches 25,000 inoculations

(Lindsay, ON) – Today, Ross Memorial Hospital celebrated 25,000 doses of coronavirus vaccine being administered to members of the community at the hospital’s COVID-19 vaccination clinic.
Katie Richardson, of Bethany, received the 25,000 dose on Friday morning. Richardson, 29, and her fiancé Alex Gambino, 29, were given their vaccines by Ross Memorial’s Lorah Otter, a Registered Practical Nurse.
Ross Memorial Hospital is committed to its role in getting members of the community vaccinated to protect against COVID-19. The hospital’s 25,000-plus vaccine doses administered accounts for more than a third of all vaccinations delivered in the Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit (HKPR) region, which includes Northumberland County, Haliburton County and the City of Kawartha Lakes
Ross Memorial Hospital’s COVID-19 vaccination clinic is supported by the HKPR Health Unit, City of Kawartha Lakes, Kawartha Lakes Paramedic Services, and the Lindsay Exhibition where the clinic has been operating Monday-to-Friday since March 18. The clinic operates as a drive-through model, meaning individuals remain in their vehicles for the duration of their appointment.
Vaccination rate thresholds play a significant role in the Government of Ontario’s Roadmap to Reopen, a three-step plan to safely and cautiously reopen the province. A total of 74,661 vaccinations have taken place in the HKPR Health Unit region as of May 25. In the City of Kawartha Lakes, the percentages of individuals with their first dose of vaccine are as follows;
- 80 years and older: 79.03 per cent
- 65-79 years old: 82.78 per cent
- 45-64 years old: 58.42 per cent
- 18-44 years old: 28.04 per cent
- 12-17 years old: 2.49 per cent
- 12 years and older: 53.71 per cent
“We know how hard the pandemic has been and vaccinations are one of the key ways to combat the virus. That’s why we are thankful to everyone in our community who have done their part to keep us all safe by receiving a coronavirus vaccination. This is a special moment in history where individuals, communities, countries, and the entire world is banding together to combat COVID-19. I am proud of the work that Ross Memorial has done to help bring an end to the pandemic.”
-Kelly Isfan, President and CEO, Ross Memorial Hospital
“Our mission from the outset was to organize and operate the clinic so that it runs efficiently, effectively, and above else, safely for everyone who attends. A big thank you is in order for the support of our clinic partners and to our on-site Ross Memorial staff as this has truly been an all-hands-on-deck operation. I am very proud of how our efforts have been received by the community.”
-Jennifer Burns-West, Vaccination Clinic Manager, Emergency Room Manager, Ross Memorial Hospital
“As soon as I could get the vaccine, I wanted to get it. I had the day off work and am eligible, so I decided to come. It was a really good experience, really efficient. I feel good.”
-Katie Richardson, recipient of 25,000 vaccine dose at RMH vaccination clinic, Veterinarian at Peterborough West Animal Hospital
Quick Facts
- All 25,000 doses administered by Ross Memorial Hospital have been the Pfizer vaccine.
- All individuals in the vehicle at Ross Memorial Hospital’s vaccination clinic must wear a mask covering their mouth and nose when interacting with clinic personnel. Individuals being vaccinated are advised to wear a loose, comfortable shirt and must bring their Ontario health card.
- Following their vaccination, individuals are monitored in their vehicles for an additional 15 minutes, or 30 minutes if they have a history of allergic reactions.
- Vaccinations are by appointment only and must be booked through the provincial booking system at or by calling 1-888-999-6488. Appointments at the drive-thru vaccination clinic are not available through health care providers or by calling the local public health unit.
Associated Link
- Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit COVID-19 Vaccine Dashboard
- Ontario’s Roadmap to Reopen
For more information, contact
Ryan Young
Communications and Public Affairs Officer
Ross Memorial Hospital
M: 705-328-4548