COVID-19 Assessment Centre Moves Inside Hospital

Effective Monday, October 19, 2020, COVID-19 testing at Ross Memorial Hospital will take place inside, in the former Admitting area on the south side of the hospital. The Admitting department is now located inside the main entrance. To support the safety of all patients, staff and physicians, the COVID-19 Assessment Centre is separated from other clinical programs and areas within the hospital.
How to book an appointment
- First, visit the provincial COVID-19 website to learn if you qualify for testing under the current Provincial guidelines
- Call 705-328-6217 or request an appointment online at
- Do not leave multiple messages or submit multiple forms
- Appointments are available Monday to Friday, 9:30-5:15pm
- You will receive a call back within 1-2 business days
When arriving for your appointment
- Arrive to the hospital at your appointment time.
- Park in the short-term parking lot at the south side of the hospital, entering from Kent St. (There is no charge for parking for those visiting the assessment centre. All other patients should use short or long term parking on the North side of the hospital.)
- Wear a mask
- Bring your health card and identification
- Proceed to the South Entrance (follow signage for COVID-19 Assessment Centre)
- Maintain physical distancing from others awaiting testing
If symptoms are severe, including difficulty breathing, chest pain, confusion or losing consciousness, you should be seen in the Emergency Department immediately. To stay up-to-date on the latest COVID-19 information at Ross Memorial Hospital, please visit