A heartfelt 'thank you'

We often receive 'thank you' messages from grateful patients. Below is one that really stood out. A former patient, Marie, called to share her story and her gratitude for the exceptional care and support she received while visiting our Emergency Department in December 2019. She wanted to especially thank Melody Priestley (pictured, right) who cared for her throughout her stay. Here is Marie's story:
“I’m blind. In December, I took an ambulance to hospital. From the minute I arrived in the Emergency Department, I was assigned a nurse, Melody. I was in that room, I was by myself, I didn’t have any family, I couldn’t see. Melody took right over, and looked after me as if I was her own mother. She helped me find the washroom and assisted me, showed me where the taps were, helped me to wash my hands. When she took blood, I hardly felt it. She was so kind.
When the doctor discharged me, Melody took me out to wait for transportation, and she checked on me several times and gave me water. When the transportation didn’t arrive, she called a few times, and then decided to take me back into the Emergency area, helping me to call my friend for a ride. She brought me back out to the lobby me where my friend would see me. She spoke to the volunteer and the security guards in the front area, asking them to check that I was all right and was able to go home with my friend.
I didn’t feel ever feel nervous or frightened. You hear so many negative comments about hospital experiences, but I’ve been telling my friends how kind Melody and the hospital staff were.I just felt it was necessary to say 'thank you' to her, and to Ross Memorial Hospital, for the wonderful care I received."
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